MOM of 7

….life AMPLIFIED by 7 kids!

Cuddle or Good Sex? Which do you want??? 07/19/2011

Men love to cuddle while women just want to have sex

Jessica Laurence

By Jessica Laurence, Jul 12, 2011


Time to turn those outdated stereotypes on their heads; men want more hugs while women just want to get down to it.

According to researchers from the Kinsey Institute in the US who surveyed over 1,000 couples aged between 40-70, cuddling makes a real difference to how happy men feel.

The survey showed men who often kissed and hugged were three times as contented as men who didn’t get so much cuddle time.

As a relationship progressed, men more frequently reported feeling content in their relationships, while women were more likely to report better sex.


Mothers LEAVING Their Kids For Careers. The BIG DEBATE! 03/04/2011

Mothers LEAVING Their Kids For Careers.  The BIG DEBATE!


Everyone is talking about THIS woman.  She felt she had “lost” herself after having her children and while working overseas she left her husband and two young children.  She just LEFT!

My head is spinning.  I don’t want to judge her and am trying not to be legalistic or narrow-minded.  But life is so difficult even when parents are together, let alone having to deal with a Mother who on surface level just LEFT her kids.  She says they’re fine.  Four of our children see their Mother every other weekend, at best.  I see how it hurts them; I see the internal conflict/struggle.

What do you think……

Ten years ago, Rahna Reiko Rizzuto–author ofHiroshima in the Morning–planned to spend six months in Japan doing research for her book before returning home to her husband and two young sons.

What she discovered about herself there changed her life forever.

“I realized that I had lost myself a little bit, and I wanted to give myself more priority,” she told TheToday Show‘s Meredith Vieira Thursday morning. So she eventually ended her 20-year marriage, and walked away from her family.

“I didn’t want to be a mother, and that was because I had this idea that motherhood was this all-encompassing thing and I was afraid of being swallowed up by that.” (more…)