MOM of 7

….life AMPLIFIED by 7 kids!

Post Work-Out: Forget the water, grab a beer! 02/24/2011

erdinger alkoholfreiYou’ve just run a breezy six miles, and you’re looking for a little recharge. So you open your refrigerator and place your paws on a nice chilled bottle of beer, right?

Well, that’s what one company is hoping for, anyway. Erdinger Alkoholfrei, a non-alcoholic brew from Germany, is being advertised as a “sports and fitness drink.” (more…)


American Idol News: Voting via Facebook 02/23/2011

Wow, this will be huge and EASY!  Check it out!!!

Feb 23 2011 01:47 PM ET

‘American Idol’ adding online voting via Facebook

Categories: Television, TV Biz


Image Credit: Michael Becker/FoxWill you accept American Idol‘s friend request?

The Fox hit will soon announce that it’s adding online voting for the first time, sources tell EW. Here are the details: Users will be able to use their Facebook accounts to reach a dedicated Idol voting page that will include all the current contestants. Each fan will be able to vote 50 times during a telecast’s voting period. Viewers will still be able to vote via text messaging and toll-free phone calls as well. (more…)


MOM of 7 Hits the Jackpot…

…..the REAL HOUSEWIVES jackpot.

As if I couldn’t get enough….now I’ve uncovered (maybe it was there all along and I just am blonde enough to have missed it) the jackpot of REAL HOUSEWIVES information ALL IN ONE SPOT!  I think I’m in heaven.

Check this out.  Huffington Post has an entire spread (ha! ha!) on the most crazy, injection-filled, dramatic and overly thin women on TV.

From Atlanta, NY, OC, Beverly Hills, DC, Jersey, to Miami, they are ALL there!  Merry Christmas.

Now, if only we could get BRAVO to develop a REAL HOUSEWIVES of VIRGINIA BEACH!  🙂




Girl Scout Cookies…Make People Do CRAZY Things! 02/22/2011

Ok, I thought it was bad in my house…trying to keep 7 kids away from the GS cookies.  But check this out!!!!

NAPLES, Fla., Feb. 22 (UPI) — Police in Florida said a fight between two roommates leading to a woman‘s arrest began as a dispute about a box of Girl Scout cookies. (more…)


Limbaugh Attacks Michelle Obama’s Weight!

(Note from MOM of 7:  Dear Rush, you might want to take a look in the mirror.  What’s the old saying?  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?  Mrs. Obama, I think you’re stunning!)
Limbaugh takes aim at Michelle Obama’s waistline
mug.mooney By: 


Not to put too fine a point on it, but Rush Limbaugh is talking smack about First Lady Michelle Obama‘s weight? Rush Limbaugh? And Michelle “you-can-cut-glass-with-my-chiseled-biceps” Obama?

Washington (CNN) – Michelle Obama is taking heat from talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh after a report in the Vail Daily that she consumed a not-so-healthy-meal of ribs for dinner while on a recent visit to the Colorado resort, the latest example of conservative angst directed at the first lady’s healthy-eating initiative.

“The problem is, and dare I say this, it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice,” (more…)


$35 in Girl Scout Cookies: Invasion in MOM of 7’s house!

It’s Girl Scout Cookie time.  The funny thing is, I could live without them.

The DAD of 7?  Well, he’s another story.

This year, he bought $35 bucks of girl scout cookies.  $35 bucks!!!!!  I just laughed.  Whatever makes him happy, well, makes me happy as well.   But here’s the deal, DAD of 7 (aka Stephen) isn’t home too much lately, so of course when the GS cookies arrive, I am left to pay for them and manage the daily ration of cookies to the 7 kids.

You’d swear the 7 kids NEVER had cookies, or sweets, the way they want to attack these cookies.

Thankfully, child #2 (aka Jen) announced to the tribe that they “best leave those cookies alone until Dad gets home or he will go postal.”  The cookies were immediately taken to the garage fridge (everyone forgets about stuff in this fridge–until it’s too late) for safe keeping.  

Stephen arrived home this past weekend and well, the seal was broken on the THIN MINTS and SOMOA’s.  Each child was given 2—maybe 3 if they asked kindly and asked when there were NO other children lurking.  After Saturday, the cookies went back to the safe—the garage fridge, until Dad returns home again THIS weekend.

I haven’t checked; I’m assuming the cookies are “safe” in the garage fridge and I’m assuming the kids have listened and not touched them.  Pitty the child that doesn’t follow these rules; he/she may be quickly sold on Craigs List if Stephen’s cookies are touched!!!!

But it makes me wonder….WHAT IS UP WITH GIRL SCOUT COOKIES? Why are they so good?  Why are they craved so much?  Is it the simple law of supply and demand (only available once a year) or are they laced with heroine?  (I’m joking of course…….I think)

Help me understand!  I just don’t get the craze, the hype.

What I do know, is I’m left at home, with 7 kids who clearly know the “hiding” spot and I’m expected to guard these cookies with my life!!!!


Now, if you need “tips” on how to mindfully eat these cookies…..check out what I found:

Tips for Mindfully Eating Girl Scout Cookies
1) One reason people mindlessly over eat Girl Scout cookies is due to the way they are packaged. The Thin Mints come in a long sheath and the Samoa, for example, are in rows. The natural “pause point” is at the end of the row or the sheath. A “pause point” is the place that you naturally stop and ask yourself if you want more. This way of packaging unconsciously leads people to eat more than they normally would. (Consider how Pop Tarts are packed in a set of two, to subtly imply that you should naturally eat two). Therefore, a helpful hint is to divide these rows of cookies into smaller baggies. That way when you get to the bottom of a bag of two cookies (instead of a row of cookies) you stop and ask yourself, “do I want more?” Creating your own pause points helps you to think mindfully about whether you really want another cookie. We often automatically respond to the subtle cues of packaging rather than our true hunger.

2) If you don’t want to waste the cookies but feel uncomfortable with how many you have on hand, there are recipes that call for using several cookies at once. See the recipes below. Bring one of these desserts to a potluck, or to an office meeting.

4) Freeze a box. If you are like most parents, coworkers or grandparents, you buy multiple boxes to help your favorite little one. The good news is that they freeze well.

5) Bring a box to work or other events. They will be gone quickly. If you worry about contributing to other people’s mindless eating, you might also consider dividing up the cookies and putting one or two on a small plate. Wrap them up with pretty paper. This way you are sharing the cookies without leading others to eat them mindlessly.

6) Get the facts. Check out the nutritonal information on your favorite cookie.

7) Don’t panic! Remember that Girl Scout Cookies happen once a year. This challenge won’t last forever. If you do like them, eat them mindfully, savor and enjoy. Eating too many of them takes out the joy of these little treats.


MOM of 7: Down and OUT!

Mom of 7:  DOWN and OUT!


Well, it’s been a long four days.  I checked out of the world late last week and succumbed to the flu that has been working its way through every member in our house.  It took a while but it caught up with me.  UGH! So MOM of 7 has been off the radar and nowhere near Facebook or

Talk about feeling OUT OF TOUCH!!!!  Today, I’m back….a little.

So in honor of being sick and completely out of touch with the world I’m going to share the TOP 5 things I learned while being DOWN and OUT!  Here we go:

5.  No matter what day it is or what year it is, Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan will ALWAYS be making news!  

4.  No matter how “stocked” with groceries you believe you are, you NEVER have exactly what you need/crave when you are sick.





3.  DayQuil tastes SO MUCH worse than NIQUIL!  Why can’t they taste the same?

2.  When you’re sick, the highlight of your day is taking a shower.  It’s just a shame you don’t have any energy left once you turn off the water.  So back to bed you go.


1.  …that walking downstairs and seeing a dirty kitchen, while you are sick, only makes you sicker/angrier/more p.o’d.

(and no, this isn’t a picture of MY kitchen.  🙂  Mine wasn’t nearly this bad…but when you’re sick everything seems to be exaggerated!!!)


Bachelor Brad Explains: Not Kissing Emily

Hello again, everybody! I hope you enjoyed watching the hometown visits. This week was especially important to me because I place such an emphasis on family. It gave me true insight about where the women come from and what life would be like with each of them in their everyday lives.

First of all, each of the families were so welcoming, warm and hospitable. I was welcomed into each home with open arms and I’m truly grateful for that.


MOM of 7 Makes Her Kids Choose: Drinking Straws or College? 02/17/2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear Secret Diary:

Oh the STUPID things I say to my kids when I’ve HAD ENOUGH!

9pm last night….I had HAD ENOUGH!

Yesterday was busy—busy work day, busy evening.  Shoot, I even made dinner.  I tackled a LOT yesterday, including laundry AND PAYING BILLS (big medical bills for one of our daughters), so by 9pm I was DONE.

I was on the second floor…the bulk of the kids on the first floor. ( NOTE TO SELF:  That’s probably not a good thing.)   I can tell a few kids are having a little too much fun downstairs which always has me concerned.  So I walk down the hall and toward the back set of steps which leads you directly to the kitchen.





There, on the kitchen island (and beyond) was what the kids’ claimed as THE LONGEST STRAW EVER!  They thought it was cool.  Me?  Not so much.

Apparently they had found a ziploc bag of about 100 + straws and decided NOW would be the perfect time to make the world’s biggest straw.

By the way I reacted you would have thought they had spilled spaghetti sauce everywhere.  My voice was firm and direct and I said….

“ok raise your hand if you were involved in this!”

The guilty quickly admitted their involvement—they know not to play around with me.

One by one I asked them the same question (and today realize how stupidly insane and ridiculous my line of questioning was).  I asked:

“Guys, this is ridiculous.  You’re wasting straws.  Stop wasting stuff in this house.  Look, you guys need to pick one….do you wanna play and waste straws or DO YOU WANT TO GO TO COLLEGE?”

Yeah…that’s what I asked them.  I asked them to pick straws or college.  Have I lost my brain?  Like straws are even comparable to the COST of college.

Thankfully, they all picked college and cleaned up the mess/longest straw in the world.  I’m sure as soon as I left they all looked at each other and thought….is she on some kind of drugs tonight?

So today, I hang my head in shame (a little) and I’m laughing the whole time thinking….next time, I gotta come up with a better line of questioning!!!!!

STRAWS versus COLLEGE….not the best comparison!


Cry Me A River: MOM of 7 says you can’t live your life in HINDSIGHT!

So Billy Ray Cyrus wishes Disney’s HANNAH MONTANA never happened. Too bad, so sad, it did and you made MILLIONS off it!!!   Cyrus blames the Disney TV show for “destroying” his family.

When asked if he wishes HANNAH MONTANA had never happened, re replies:

I hate to say it, but yes, I do. Yeah. I’d take it back in a second. For my family to be here and just be everybody okay, safe and sound and happy and normal, would have been fantastic. Heck, yeah. I’d erase it all in a second if I could.

I can’t say that I “feel” for him, but if we’re gonna live our lives in hindsight then today I’m going to list the top 10 things I wish NEVER happened. So here I go.

From MOM of 7 here’s MY “wish it never happened” list:

10.  I never would have given up on my singing “career”

9.  I never would have gone to the University of Cincinnati

8.  I never would have kept my paper route as long as I did….should have dumped that job my sophomore year in HS

7.  I never should have tried to work full-time while going to college full-time

6.  I never would have left Harrisburg, PA to work in St. Louis.  What a waste of 18 months

5.   I shouldn’t have stayed working at WTKR, Channel 3, as long as I did (meaning I should have left before Dave Bunnell, the GM, ever entered the front door)

4.  I should never have gotten hooked on DIET COKE as my means of “waking up” in the morning

3.  I should’ve made MANY more trips to see my parents before my Father died (but at that point, you just never think they’re going to leave you)

2.  I should have NEVER gotten married so young

1.  I should have never read how Billy Ray Cyrus wants me to feel sorry for him.

SO….what’s your top 10 “I should have never” list????