MOM of 7

….life AMPLIFIED by 7 kids!

Limbaugh Attacks Michelle Obama’s Weight! 02/22/2011

(Note from MOM of 7:  Dear Rush, you might want to take a look in the mirror.  What’s the old saying?  Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones?  Mrs. Obama, I think you’re stunning!)
Limbaugh takes aim at Michelle Obama’s waistline
mug.mooney By: 


Not to put too fine a point on it, but Rush Limbaugh is talking smack about First Lady Michelle Obama‘s weight? Rush Limbaugh? And Michelle “you-can-cut-glass-with-my-chiseled-biceps” Obama?

Washington (CNN) – Michelle Obama is taking heat from talk-radio host Rush Limbaugh after a report in the Vail Daily that she consumed a not-so-healthy-meal of ribs for dinner while on a recent visit to the Colorado resort, the latest example of conservative angst directed at the first lady’s healthy-eating initiative.

“The problem is, and dare I say this, it doesn’t look like Michelle Obama follows her own nutritionary, dietary advice,” (more…)