MOM of 7

….life AMPLIFIED by 7 kids!

Always a MOM of 7. NEVER a MOM of 8! :( 03/04/2011

I know it sounds crazy.  Totally crazy.  Being a MOM of 8 sounds certifiable CRAZY!  Right?

When I was growing up I thought I would only have one child as an adult.  So I laugh often when I think….God, why did you give me 7?

In my first marriage, I had twins at the age of 28.  About 2.5 years later, I had our third child.  We were done; HIS shop was permanently closed.  Well, fast forward a number of years, and a divorce and now a remarriage and I’ll be honest with you, I struggle GREATLY with the thought that Stephen and I will NEVER have our own children.

Stephen’s shop…closed, yet perhaps reversible.  My shop?  Different story.  A few years ago, just PRIOR (ironic) to meeting Stephen, I had to have a pretty drastic surgery (we essentially had to fry my uterus) that complete prevents me from having any more children.

The desire to have another child is HUGE!  I love being pregnant.  I love the baby stage.  I love, love, love 6 months to about 2 years.  I love the smiles, the laughs, the little innocent personality that develops in front of my own eyes.

I look at friends baby pictures on Facebook and I just LONG for a baby.   I see videos like this one and my heart aches to experience this stage once again!

Stephen says we need to look forward to our kids having kids.  Um, I say…no thanks.  Not ready for that!  🙂  I want MY OWN!  LOL.

So, my reality is this….7 is enough.  I LOVE our 7.  I also know the Lord had a different plan and Stephen and I were never meant to have our own children. Our “plates” are full with 7 and the challenges are huge and days are long. But I’ll be honest with you, I think I will always be a little sad that after finding amazing love and a real partner in life with Stephen, that the two of us will never know what it’s like to have a child of our own.

Cuz shoot…..if we had a child of our own, that would be ONE REALLY TALL child!


American Idol News: Voting via Facebook 02/23/2011

Wow, this will be huge and EASY!  Check it out!!!

Feb 23 2011 01:47 PM ET

‘American Idol’ adding online voting via Facebook

Categories: Television, TV Biz


Image Credit: Michael Becker/FoxWill you accept American Idol‘s friend request?

The Fox hit will soon announce that it’s adding online voting for the first time, sources tell EW. Here are the details: Users will be able to use their Facebook accounts to reach a dedicated Idol voting page that will include all the current contestants. Each fan will be able to vote 50 times during a telecast’s voting period. Viewers will still be able to vote via text messaging and toll-free phone calls as well. (more…)


MOM of 7: Down and OUT! 02/22/2011

Mom of 7:  DOWN and OUT!


Well, it’s been a long four days.  I checked out of the world late last week and succumbed to the flu that has been working its way through every member in our house.  It took a while but it caught up with me.  UGH! So MOM of 7 has been off the radar and nowhere near Facebook or

Talk about feeling OUT OF TOUCH!!!!  Today, I’m back….a little.

So in honor of being sick and completely out of touch with the world I’m going to share the TOP 5 things I learned while being DOWN and OUT!  Here we go:

5.  No matter what day it is or what year it is, Charlie Sheen and Lindsay Lohan will ALWAYS be making news!  

4.  No matter how “stocked” with groceries you believe you are, you NEVER have exactly what you need/crave when you are sick.





3.  DayQuil tastes SO MUCH worse than NIQUIL!  Why can’t they taste the same?

2.  When you’re sick, the highlight of your day is taking a shower.  It’s just a shame you don’t have any energy left once you turn off the water.  So back to bed you go.


1.  …that walking downstairs and seeing a dirty kitchen, while you are sick, only makes you sicker/angrier/more p.o’d.

(and no, this isn’t a picture of MY kitchen.  🙂  Mine wasn’t nearly this bad…but when you’re sick everything seems to be exaggerated!!!)