MOM of 7

….life AMPLIFIED by 7 kids!

Let Me OUT Of The Snow-Globe! (or at least stop shaking it) 04/20/2011

I’m stressed.

I’m feeling unorganized.

I don’t see the plan.

And when you put those three things together, I feel like I’m in one of those tiny Christmas Snow-Globes and someone is shaking the crap out of it.  You know the kind…the cute decorative globes that are full of snow…you shake, you turn upside down and the pretty snow falls inside the globe.

Pretty, yes!  But imagine being INSIDE the globe and it’s upside down, being shaken side to side.  Probably doesn’t feel so great, right?  

The VanCamp tribe just got bigger.  (and you were thinking that wasn’t possible)

We went to adopt a puppy and ended up adopting a 2 year old hound mix, and 2 sister puppies that are 3 months old and are black lab/border collie mixes.


Went for one.  Ended up with 3!

I’m not sure I can say there’s any logic to our decision.  Can’t say that we thought this totally through, can’t say that it makes sense.  I can tell you that I wanted to do this, I wanted my husband and kids to be happy and in the process my husband fell in love with the two puppies and MOM of 7 fell in love with the 2 year old hound.

On Sunday, we brought home the 2 year old hound, Duke.  He’s settled in rather nicely. Tonight, however, the SNOW GLOBE SHAKING is going to be intense because Stephen is bringing home the twin puppies.

My blood pressure and pulse is probably rather high.  I’m not ready.  I feel anxious.  I’m worried.  I have NO CLUE what to expect.   Gesh, it was easier giving birth to my twins.  WHY is this such a hard transition for me?  Why am I letting this be such a hard transition for me?

You see, in the last three days I’ve learned more about myself than I have in 39 years.

Sadly, this is what I’ve realized:

1.  I have control over NOTHING!

2.  As much as I plan, I have 7 kids (outnumbered!!!) that may not follow MY plan.

3.  Repeat #1….I have control over NOTHING!  NOTHING!  NOTHING!

I’ve lived my life controlling situations, events, and frankly PEOPLE.  Sorry…it’s the truth.  I’m a fixer.  I’m a doer.  I’m a manager.  I come up with plans, and I get people around me (personally and professionally) to buy into this plan and execute it for me/with me.

When I was at my peek professionally, I was managing over 30 people executing plans left and right….I was WINNING (thank you Charlie Sheen). And this is when I felt the most alive and secure—when I had people around me buying into my plan and helping me execute it.

Now, I no longer have “that” job.  Now I negotiate million-dollar contracts. For the most part, however, I’m still getting people to buy-into MY terms of the contract.  So I still have “control” over the situation.

Once I step out the double doors at work, I lose all sense of control.  I drive 20 minutes home and the entire way, I feel my stomach churn because I realize I’m walking into a situation (home) where I have virtually no control.

NO!  I’m not saying that my kids rule the house.  I’m not saying I’m not the alpha dominant (along with Dad of 7) one in my house.  I’m not saying that there aren’t any rules/regulations/expectations in my house.  But let’s get real….it’s NOT a controlled environment.

Kids may not have done their chores.

Kids may have plans they didn’t consult with you about.

Kids may have broken something.

Kids may (shocking) disagree with you.

Kids may (shocking) push back on your plan.

Does any of this sound familiar?  Does any of this sound like YOUR life?  


So, do you have any coping strategies YOU would like share?  Cuz right now, I’m STUCK IN THE FREAKIN’ SNOW GLOBE and I certainly can’t see through all the snow and shaking it making my stomach feel really upset!